an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law : shoplifting was a serious crime.
• illegal activities : the victims of crime.
• an action or activity that, although not illegal, is considered to be evil, shameful, or wrong : they condemned apartheid as a crime against humanity | it's a crime to keep a creature like Willy in a tank.
• You're 66 times more likely to be prosecuted in the USA than in France
~USA always gives us the impression that it is open-minded than France.
• If you're in Montserrat, watch your back! Nearly 1% of the population are police officers.
~It seems to be a small number but after researching, I found out that Malaysia has only 0.3% of the population working as polices.
• Venezuela is one of the happiest and most murderous places in the world.
It sounds contradicting as they are in the most dangerous place but they are still happy.... WEIRDO
• One in every three Australians is a victim of crime.
~When I went to Australia, we feel safer than in Malaysia. Now, it's kind of surprising to know that Australia has more crime rates in Australia (21.7454 per 1,000 people) than Malaysia (1.37407 per 1,000 people )
• 84% of people in Finland feel that they are at a low risk of experiencing a burglary - but just look at how many burglaries they have!
~ Feel kinda sad for them as they are too NAIVE and INGENUOUS. Their burglary rate is the fifth highest in the world and hits 16.7697 per 1,000 people
Crime in Malaysia and Local Area
Popular Crimes in Malaysia
-Snatch and Run
-Break In
-Drug selling
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