Thursday, October 6, 2011

Group Reflection

In my group we're going to focus on the future perspective for Peak Oil in more detail than others because we think that it is important for people to know what will happen after when we reaches Peak Oil or when there's no more oil in the world. What will our life be like? Will it be the same or will it change? Are we going to face a resource war in the future? Are we going to fight each other for the last amount of supply of oil? There are a lot of question that we have to ask ourself about what will happen if oil runs out. So we think that it is very important that we think about the future of oil and how we can conserve it for the future generation. I mean non of us want to have war, our life will be in danger and the place will be horrible. So I think we should start thinking about the future and try to use lesser oil everyday.

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